[ÄÃÃÄ¿¥¸Å°ÅÁø] »î°ú Á×À½À» µå·ÎÀ×ÇÏ´Ù, ÀÛ°¡ Á¶¹Ì¿¹
 ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ : ÃÖ°í°ü¸®ÀÚ   ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ : 2015/06/13 10:05
Á¶È¸ : 15,687  


About the most beautiful objects, ¡®Life and Death¡¯ 
»î°ú Á×À½À» µå·ÎÀ×ÇÏ´Ù, ÀÛ°¡ Á¶¹Ì¿¹

Images by Cho Mi Ye
It is not easy to imagine ¡®life¡¯ and ¡®death¡¯ with Cho Mi Ye¡¯s work because she expresses her idea of life and death with brighter more glamorous colors rather than heavy dark colors of emotions which we generally relates with death. In face those images that look like nature in her paintings are maximized images of human blood and cells. With these images, She puts more weight onto life than death and expresses her perspective of life we know about and live in.
Her images of life and death in her work are originated from cross point of Korean sentiment, which was strongly influenced by Confucius and ¡®Memento Mori¡¯ theory, which tells us to remember to die. Also those familiar images of natures are creating rather unfamiliar scene, as it is created by symbolic images of life and death with 2 layers of materials that shows the space beyond each object. CultureM Magazine met Cho Mi Ye who is unraveling unique perspective of life and death.
cho (2)
A Korean artist, Cho Mi Ye
cho (1)
A Korean artist, Cho Mi Ye
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A Korean artist, Cho Mi Ye
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Creation, 2013
7.Untitled Acrylic on Silk22x27(cm)2014
Untitled, 2014
13 Untitled Acrylic on Silk22x27(cm)2014
Untitled, 2014
20.Branch grove.Acrylic on silk.90x72.7cm.2015
Branch grove, 2015